commit 05ec3f946a421e4a5a028235462f858e84ad3089
parent 8635ebb0f74f30cdb7c4c5ccaa023db83b608467
Author: Abdul Rahim <>
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 2024 02:39:03 +0530
9 files changed, 304 insertions(+), 373 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -24,7 +24,3 @@
# Working
The client machine sends commands to server machine, where they get executed, and the result is returned. The client machine can also **write something using server's keyboard**. The client's machine can also **send shortcuts** like ctrl+s(save) and win+d(jump to desktop), alt+tab(next program). The possibilities are endless, with what you can do with it.
-## Authors
-- [@amrindersingh](
-- [@abdulrahim2002](
diff --git a/_client.bat b/client.bat
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -1,99 +1,96 @@
-import socket
-import threading
-import time
-import utility
-IP = utility.get_ip_address() # temperory, for same network, both client and server
-# IP = ''
-# IP = ''
-c_obj = threading.Condition()
-PORT = 5566
-SIZE = 1024
-FORMATmsg = "utf-8"
-PIN = None
-client = None
-S_PORT = None
-def send_message():
- # c_obj.acquire()
- while True:
- msg = input("")
- globals()['client'].send(msg.encode(FORMATmsg))
-def recieve_messsage():
- # c_obj.acquire()
- while True:
- msg = globals()['client'].recv(SIZE).decode(FORMATmsg)
- print(f"[SERVER] {msg}")
- pass
-def startClient():
- print(f"[CONNECTING] Client connecting to server at {IP}:{PORT}")
- globals()['client'] = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- globals()['client'].connect(ADDR)
- print(f"[CONNECTED] Client connected to server at {IP}:{PORT}")
-def main():
- utility.printUI()
- while True:
- startClient()
- # [TAB] for inputting, sending and verifyin username
- if globals()['USERNAME'] == None or globals()['USERNAME'] == "!NOTACCEPTED":
- while True:
- globals()['USERNAME'] = input("[LOGIN] INPUT USERNAME: ")
- globals()['client'].send(
- globals()['USERNAME'].encode(FORMATmsg))
- temp_msg = globals()['client'].recv(SIZE).decode(FORMATmsg)
- if (temp_msg == globals()['USERNAME']):
- print(f"[SERVER] Username accepted")
- break
- else:
- print("[NAME ERROR] Try another username")
- continue
- if globals()['PIN'] == None:
- globals()['PIN'] = input("[LOGIN] Input PIN: ")
- globals()['client'].send(globals()['PIN'].encode(FORMATmsg))
- temp_msg = globals()['client'].recv(SIZE).decode(FORMATmsg)
- print(f"[SERVER] {temp_msg}")
- if temp_msg == "try again":
- print(
- '[SERVER]: PIN not accepted:(\n[SERVER]: Connection failed:(\nTerminating:(\n')
- globals()['client'].close()
- exit()
- print(
- f"[AUTHENTICATED] credentials are verified by server at {IP}:{PORT}")
- print(f"[Waiting] Waiting for port number from {IP}:{PORT}")
- globals()['client'].send("PORT".encode(FORMATmsg))
- temp_msg = globals()['client'].recv(SIZE).decode(FORMATmsg)
- globals()['S_PORT'] = int(temp_msg)
- print(f"[SERVER] Your port number is {globals()['S_PORT']}")
- # input("end")
- break
- thread_recv = threading.Thread(target=recieve_messsage, args=())
- thread_recv.start()
- time.sleep(0.1)
- thread_send = threading.Thread(target=send_message, args=())
- thread_send.start()
- pass
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
+import socket
+import threading
+import time
+import utility
+IP = utility.get_ip_address()
+c_obj = threading.Condition()
+PORT = 5566
+SIZE = 1024
+FORMATmsg = "utf-8"
+PIN = None
+client = None
+S_PORT = None
+def send_message():
+ # c_obj.acquire()
+ while True:
+ msg = input("")
+ globals()['client'].send(msg.encode(FORMATmsg))
+def recieve_messsage():
+ # c_obj.acquire()
+ while True:
+ msg = globals()['client'].recv(SIZE).decode(FORMATmsg)
+ print(f"[SERVER] {msg}")
+ pass
+def startClient():
+ print(f"[CONNECTING] Client connecting to server at {IP}:{PORT}")
+ globals()['client'] = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ globals()['client'].connect(ADDR)
+ print(f"[CONNECTED] Client connected to server at {IP}:{PORT}")
+def main():
+ utility.printUI()
+ while True:
+ startClient()
+ # [TAB] for inputting, sending and verifyin username
+ if globals()['USERNAME'] == None or globals()['USERNAME'] == "!NOTACCEPTED":
+ while True:
+ globals()['USERNAME'] = input("[LOGIN] INPUT USERNAME: ")
+ globals()['client'].send(
+ globals()['USERNAME'].encode(FORMATmsg))
+ temp_msg = globals()['client'].recv(SIZE).decode(FORMATmsg)
+ if (temp_msg == globals()['USERNAME']):
+ print(f"[SERVER] Username accepted")
+ break
+ else:
+ print("[NAME ERROR] Try another username")
+ continue
+ if globals()['PIN'] == None:
+ globals()['PIN'] = input("[LOGIN] Input PIN: ")
+ globals()['client'].send(globals()['PIN'].encode(FORMATmsg))
+ temp_msg = globals()['client'].recv(SIZE).decode(FORMATmsg)
+ print(f"[SERVER] {temp_msg}")
+ if temp_msg == "try again":
+ print(
+ '[SERVER]: PIN not accepted:(\n[SERVER]: Connection failed:(\nTerminating:(\n')
+ globals()['client'].close()
+ exit()
+ print(
+ f"[AUTHENTICATED] credentials are verified by server at {IP}:{PORT}")
+ print(f"[Waiting] Waiting for port number from {IP}:{PORT}")
+ globals()['client'].send("PORT".encode(FORMATmsg))
+ temp_msg = globals()['client'].recv(SIZE).decode(FORMATmsg)
+ globals()['S_PORT'] = int(temp_msg)
+ print(f"[SERVER] Your port number is {globals()['S_PORT']}")
+ # input("end")
+ break
+ thread_recv = threading.Thread(target=recieve_messsage, args=())
+ thread_recv.start()
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ thread_send = threading.Thread(target=send_message, args=())
+ thread_send.start()
+ pass
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/description b/description
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+A naive ssh clone
diff --git a/owner b/owner
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Abdul Rahim
diff --git a/_telnetServer.bat b/server.bat
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -1,103 +1,49 @@
-from flask import Flask, Response
-import cv2
-import numpy as np
-import pyautogui
-import time
-import utility
-IP = utility.get_ip_address()
-app = Flask(__name__)
-SCREEN_SIZE = (1280,720)
-# SCREEN_SIZE = (1920,1080)
-def gen_frames():
- while True:
- start_time = time.time() # Record the start time
- # Capture the screen
- img = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(pyautogui.screenshot()), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
- # Resize the screenshot to the desired resolution
- img = cv2.resize(img, SCREEN_SIZE)
- # Convert the frame to a JPEG image
- ret, buffer = cv2.imencode('.jpg', img)
- # Yield the image data as bytes
- yield (b'--frame\r\n'
- b'Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n' + buffer.tobytes() + b'\r\n')
- # Calculate the time elapsed since the start of the loop
- elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
- # If the elapsed time is less than the desired time per frame, delay the loop
- if elapsed_time < 1 / FRAME_RATE:
- time.sleep(1 / FRAME_RATE - elapsed_time)
-def video():
- return Response(gen_frames(),
- mimetype='multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- print(f'Path: http://{IP}:5000')
-# # using threading
-# import threading
-# from flask import Flask, Response
-# import cv2
-# import numpy as np
-# import pyautogui
-# import time
-# FRAME_RATE = 15
-# IP = ''
-# app = Flask(__name__)
-# SCREEN_SIZE = (1280,720)
-# def gen_frames():
-# while True:
-# start_time = time.time()
-# img = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(pyautogui.screenshot()), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
-# img = cv2.resize(img, SCREEN_SIZE)
-# ret, buffer = cv2.imencode('.jpg', img)
-# yield (b'--frame\r\n'
-# b'Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n' + buffer.tobytes() + b'\r\n')
-# elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
-# if elapsed_time < 1 / FRAME_RATE:
-# time.sleep(1 / FRAME_RATE - elapsed_time)
-# @app.route('/')
-# def video():
-# return Response(gen_frames(),
-# mimetype='multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame')
-# def start_flask_app():
-# print(f'Path: http://{IP}')
-# if __name__ == '__main__':
-# flask_thread = threading.Thread(target=start_flask_app)
-# flask_thread.start()
-# flask_thread.join()
+from flask import Flask, Response
+import cv2
+import numpy as np
+import pyautogui
+import time
+import utility
+IP = utility.get_ip_address()
+app = Flask(__name__)
+SCREEN_SIZE = (1280,720)
+# SCREEN_SIZE = (1920,1080)
+def gen_frames():
+ while True:
+ start_time = time.time() # Record the start time
+ # Capture the screen
+ img = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(pyautogui.screenshot()), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
+ # Resize the screenshot to the desired resolution
+ img = cv2.resize(img, SCREEN_SIZE)
+ # Convert the frame to a JPEG image
+ ret, buffer = cv2.imencode('.jpg', img)
+ # Yield the image data as bytes
+ yield (b'--frame\r\n'
+ b'Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n' + buffer.tobytes() + b'\r\n')
+ # Calculate the time elapsed since the start of the loop
+ elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
+ # If the elapsed time is less than the desired time per frame, delay the loop
+ if elapsed_time < 1 / FRAME_RATE:
+ time.sleep(1 / FRAME_RATE - elapsed_time)
+def video():
+ return Response(gen_frames(),
+ mimetype='multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ print(f'Path: http://{IP}:5000')
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -1,166 +1,156 @@
-import socket
-import threading
-import random
-import os
-import utility
-import subprocess
-import pyautogui
-parentDir = utility.getpath()
-# get server IP
-IP = utility.get_ip_address()
-PORT = 5566
-SIZE = 1024
-FORMATmsg = "utf-8"
-u_name = [] # list of usernames
-u_addr = [] # list of ip addresses
-u_conn = [] # list of connections
-u_pin = [] # list of pins
-u_port = [] # list of ports
-# server functions
-def start():
- global server
- print(f"SERVER IP = {IP}\n")
- print("[STARTING] Server is starting...")
- server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- server.bind(ADDR)
- server.listen()
- print(f"[LISTENING] Server is listening on {IP}:{PORT}")
-# broadcast connection list
-def broadcast(message):
- if message == 'LIST':
- for addr in u_conn:
- msg = str(u_name)
- msg = "[LIST] CONNECTION LIST: " + msg
- addr.send(msg.encode(FORMATmsg))
- msg = str(u_port)
- msg = "[LIST] CONNECTION LIST: " + msg
- addr.send(msg.encode(FORMATmsg))
- else:
- for addr in u_conn:
- addr.send(message.encode(FORMATmsg))
-def exec_cmd(msg):
- result = executeCommand(msg)
- print(f'Output: {result}')
- broadcast(result)
-# handle client connection
-def handle_client(conn, addr, u_name):
- print(f"[SERVER] [NEW CONNECTION] {u_name}:{addr} connected.")
- connected = True
- while connected:
- msg = conn.recv(SIZE).decode(FORMATmsg)
- print('[Incoming request]: ')
- print(f"[{u_name}:{addr}] {msg}") # print msg in server console
- print('Executing command...')
- # str = input()
- # print(str)
- str = msg
- # if str == "exit()":
- # exit()
- if str[0]=="!" and str[1]!="!":
- str = str.replace("`", "\n")
- pyautogui.write(str[1:], interval = 0.05)
- continue
- if str[0]== '!' and str[1 == '!']:
- spl = str[2:].split('~')
- if len(spl)==1:
- pyautogui.hotkey(spl[0])
- continue
- if len(spl)==2:
- pyautogui.hotkey(spl[0], spl[1])
- continue
- # The effect is that calling hotkey('ctrl', 'shift', 'c') would perform a "Ctrl-Shift-C" hotkey/keyboard shortcut press
- # result = executeCommand(msg)
- Thr = threading.Thread(target=exec_cmd, args=(msg,))
- Thr.start()
- # time.sleep(0.5)
- # print(f'Output: {result}')
- # broadcast(result)
- conn.close()
-# execute command and return output
-def executeCommand(command):
- result = os.popen(command).read()
- return result
-def startVideoStream():
- print('\nStarting video stream...')
- process = subprocess.Popen(['cmd', '/C', 'streamVideo.bat'], creationflags= subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE)
- # exit_code = process.wait()
- print(f'Video Stream: Path: http://{IP}:5000')
-def main():
- utility.printUI()
- start()
- startVideoStream()
- temp_port = PORT+1
- while True:
- conn, addr = server.accept()
- while True:
- temp_name = conn.recv(SIZE).decode(FORMATmsg)
- print(f"[CLIENT] Username: {temp_name}")
- if temp_name in u_name:
- print("[SERVER] Username not accepted")
- conn.send("NOTACCEPTED!".encode(FORMATmsg))
- else:
- print("[SERVER] Username accepted")
- conn.send(temp_name.encode(FORMATmsg))
- break
- temp_pin = str(random.randint(1000, 9999))
- print(f"[AUTHENTICATING] Current Pin: {temp_pin}")
- msg_pin = conn.recv(SIZE).decode(FORMATmsg)
- if msg_pin != temp_pin:
- print("[SERVER] PIN not accepted")
- conn.send("try again".encode(FORMATmsg))
- continue
- else:
- print("[SERVER] PIN accepted")
- conn.send("!ACCEPTED".encode(FORMATmsg))
- conn.recv(SIZE).decode(FORMATmsg)
- conn.send(str(temp_port).encode(FORMATmsg))
- print(f"[SERVER] {temp_name} added to network")
- clientThread = threading.Thread(target=handle_client, args=(conn, addr, temp_name))
- clientThread.start()
- u_pin.append(temp_pin)
- u_name.append(temp_name)
- u_addr.append(addr)
- u_conn.append(conn)
- u_port.append(temp_port)
- temp_port += 1
- # broadcast connection list
- broadcast('LIST')
- print(f"\n[SERVER][ACTIVE CONNECTIONS] {threading.active_count() - 2}")
- pass
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
-\ No newline at end of file
+import socket
+import threading
+import random
+import os
+import utility
+import subprocess
+import pyautogui
+parentDir = utility.getpath()
+# get server IP
+IP = utility.get_ip_address()
+PORT = 5566
+SIZE = 1024
+FORMATmsg = "utf-8"
+u_name = [] # list of usernames
+u_addr = [] # list of ip addresses
+u_conn = [] # list of connections
+u_pin = [] # list of pins
+u_port = [] # list of ports
+# server functions
+def start():
+ global server
+ print(f"SERVER IP = {IP}\n")
+ print("[STARTING] Server is starting...")
+ server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ server.bind(ADDR)
+ server.listen()
+ print(f"[LISTENING] Server is listening on {IP}:{PORT}")
+# broadcast connection list
+def broadcast(message):
+ if message == 'LIST':
+ for addr in u_conn:
+ msg = str(u_name)
+ msg = "[LIST] CONNECTION LIST: " + msg
+ addr.send(msg.encode(FORMATmsg))
+ msg = str(u_port)
+ msg = "[LIST] CONNECTION LIST: " + msg
+ addr.send(msg.encode(FORMATmsg))
+ else:
+ for addr in u_conn:
+ addr.send(message.encode(FORMATmsg))
+def exec_cmd(msg):
+ result = executeCommand(msg)
+ print(f'Output: {result}')
+ broadcast(result)
+def handle_client(conn, addr, u_name):
+ print(f"[SERVER] [NEW CONNECTION] {u_name}:{addr} connected.")
+ connected = True
+ while connected:
+ msg = conn.recv(SIZE).decode(FORMATmsg)
+ print('[Incoming request]: ')
+ print(f"[{u_name}:{addr}] {msg}") # print msg in server console
+ print('Executing command...')
+ # str = input()
+ # print(str)
+ str = msg
+ # if str == "exit()":
+ # exit()
+ if str[0]=="!" and str[1]!="!":
+ str = str.replace("`", "\n")
+ pyautogui.write(str[1:], interval = 0.05)
+ continue
+ if str[0]== '!' and str[1 == '!']:
+ spl = str[2:].split('~')
+ if len(spl)==1:
+ pyautogui.hotkey(spl[0])
+ continue
+ if len(spl)==2:
+ pyautogui.hotkey(spl[0], spl[1])
+ continue
+ Thr = threading.Thread(target=exec_cmd, args=(msg,))
+ Thr.start()
+ conn.close()
+def executeCommand(command):
+ result = os.popen(command).read()
+ return result
+def startVideoStream():
+ print('\nStarting video stream...')
+ process = subprocess.Popen(['cmd', '/C', 'streamVideo.bat'], creationflags= subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE)
+ print(f'Video Stream: Path: http://{IP}:5000')
+def main():
+ utility.printUI()
+ start()
+ startVideoStream()
+ temp_port = PORT+1
+ while True:
+ conn, addr = server.accept()
+ while True:
+ temp_name = conn.recv(SIZE).decode(FORMATmsg)
+ print(f"[CLIENT] Username: {temp_name}")
+ if temp_name in u_name:
+ print("[SERVER] Username not accepted")
+ conn.send("NOTACCEPTED!".encode(FORMATmsg))
+ else:
+ print("[SERVER] Username accepted")
+ conn.send(temp_name.encode(FORMATmsg))
+ break
+ temp_pin = str(random.randint(1000, 9999))
+ print(f"[AUTHENTICATING] Current Pin: {temp_pin}")
+ msg_pin = conn.recv(SIZE).decode(FORMATmsg)
+ if msg_pin != temp_pin:
+ print("[SERVER] PIN not accepted")
+ conn.send("try again".encode(FORMATmsg))
+ continue
+ else:
+ print("[SERVER] PIN accepted")
+ conn.send("!ACCEPTED".encode(FORMATmsg))
+ conn.recv(SIZE).decode(FORMATmsg)
+ conn.send(str(temp_port).encode(FORMATmsg))
+ print(f"[SERVER] {temp_name} added to network")
+ clientThread = threading.Thread(target=handle_client, args=(conn, addr, temp_name))
+ clientThread.start()
+ u_pin.append(temp_pin)
+ u_name.append(temp_name)
+ u_addr.append(addr)
+ u_conn.append(conn)
+ u_port.append(temp_port)
+ temp_port += 1
+ # broadcast connection list
+ broadcast('LIST')
+ print(f"\n[SERVER][ACTIVE CONNECTIONS] {threading.active_count() - 2}")
+ pass
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/url b/url
@@ -0,0 +1 @@